Sarian, Martiros Sergeyevich
(b. 1880 Nakhichevan-on-Don — d. 1972 Yerevan) Painter, graphic artist
1897: Entered the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture; studied under A, Arkhipov, A. Vasnetsov, A. Kasatkin and L. Pasternak.
Took part in art exhibitions by students beginning in 1900.
Graduated in 1903.
1903—1905: Worked in the portrait studio of K. Korovin and V. Serov.
Took part in the famous Blue Rose exhibition in 1907;
in 1908 — the exhibition of the Moscow Artists’ Association;
in 1909 – the Golden Fleece salon exhibition.
In 1910 journeyed to Constantinople. In the same year the Tretyakov Gallery acquired several of M. Sarian’s works.
1911: Travelled to Egypt, and in 1913 to Persia.
From 1921 on, Sarian lived and worked in Armenia.
Visited Germany in 1922;
in 1924 — Italy, where he took part in the 15th International Art Exhibition in Venice.
1926—1928: Worked in Paris.
1970: Published a book of memoirs, entitled From My Life.
“Art is a reality in itself and possesses eternal value. It does express eternity. By the way, this eternity is hidden in Egyptian and Greek art, in Armenian, Persian and Indian miniatures, in the painting of China, Japan and Italy. However, artists of various times and peoples whose works survived till present time, didn’t adhere to the same principles. This is the angle one should use to consider works of art to see them better. An ignoramus has one key — a photograph, a court transcript that only records facts. He approaches the gates of art with this key, opens them and exclaims excitedly, “I’ve never seen anything like this in my life!” But it has long been known that not all those who look actually see, and often they cannot and will not see. To understand works of great masters, one must be intelligent and educated, one must have taste and sense of perception, that is free from old-fashioned canon. <…>
In 1924 we moved to a new flat at 55, Rubeni street where I could live and work in peace. A small flower garden, the view from the balcony — all of it was very picturesque. In spring the surrounding territory turned into a garden of blossoms. Flowers of wisteria, that climbed on the balcony, were particularly beautiful. Unfortunately, in the past, I didn’t paint these flowers much. And what I did paint was destroyed by a fire on the steamship on the way from Paris in 1928.”
M.S. Sarian. Iz moyei zhizni [From My Life]. M.: Izobrazitelnoe iskusstvo, 1990. Pp. 239—240. 244.