Саша Балашов - Артеология
Артеология – сайт издательской программы Новая история искусства. Здесь публикуется информация об изданных книгах и материалы, которые открываются в процессе работы над книгами.

ArtistesПлатов Федор Федорович

(1895, Ялта – 1967, Москва)

Живописец, график

1917–1920 учился в Московском училище живописи, ваяния и зодчества (МУЖВЗ) у И. Машкова и Л. Пастернака.

1922–1928 действительный член Государственной академии художественных наук (ГАХН).

1925 член группы «Объединенное искусство» (ОБИС).

С 1925 участник выставок.

1925 преподавал в Высших художественно-технических мастерских (Вхутемас);

1927–1928 – в Государственном институте журналистики;

1938–1957 – в студии Дома архитектора.

1937 награжден бронзовой медалью на Всемирной выставке в Париже.

Platov, Fyodor Fyodorovich

(b. 1895 Yalta – d. 1967 Moscow)

Painter and graphic artist

1917–1920 – Studied at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture under I. Mashkov and L. Pasternak. 1922–1928 – Full member of GAKhN [The State Academy of Artistic Studies].

1925 – Member of the United Art group.

From 1925 took part in exhibitions.

1925 – Taught at Vkhutemas [The Higher Art and Technical Studios].

1927–1928 – Taught at the State Institute of Journalism.

1938–1957 – Taught at the House of Architects’ studio.

1937 – Awarded a bronze medal at the World’s Fair in Paris.

“Between 1923 and 1933, the village of Tomilino near Moscow saw… the formation of something akin to a colony of like-minded young artists. The sculptor Isidor Frikh-Khar was at that time working in the Tomilino children’s colony set up by the Moscow Department of National Education. He helped to implement Platov’s idea of teaching school teachers the rudiments of fine art. Also living in Tomilino at the time was Samuil Adlivankin, one of the founders of the New Society of Artists. He was paid frequent visits from Moscow by Alexander Gluskin and Mikhail Perutsky, who had recently made a name for themselves at the sensational NOZh exhibition. Besides, all of these artists — Platov, Frikh-Khar, Adlivankin, Perutsky, and Gluskin — had become close friends while working in the government’s Department for the Artistic Education of Children and in an experimental studio… They were like-minded artists, people of broad interests and sharp tongues, inventive, hill of passion and thirst for accomplishments. For all of them, the life-giving source was folk art, the primitive and the neo-primitive, and city folk visual art as well. Their common artistic goals and valour made them kindred souls, and they met at the home of the Platovs almost every day, each one bringing tons of interesting things to the table. Sometimes they would all work together and paint each other.”

O. Roytenberg. Neuzheli kto-to vspomnil, chto my byly… Iz istorii khudozhestvennoy zhizni. 1925—1935 [Can It be that Someone Remembers that we Existed… From the History of Artistic Life: 1925—1935]. M.: Galart, 2004. Pp. 177, 428—429.

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